kurz USD EUR 25,270
Poskytnutí poštovní doručovací adresy v Praze pro zveřejnění a příjem poštovních a kurýrních zásilek. Vhodné např. pro eshopy a začínající projekty


General conditions of service SIDLOPROFIRMY.CZ:
Valid from 10th January 2010


The service provided by:

1. Introductory provisions
i. Contract - contract to achieve the consent of the owner of the building with the residence or the place of business concluded between the Provider the Customer.
ii. Provider - on the basis of the Contract and General conditions provides Service to Customer.
iii. Customer - a natural or legal person that has concluded the Contract with the Provider.


2. The period of provided services
i. The services will be provided during the operation of the contract ii. Providing of the services can be discontinued:
a) for the operating period of provider unavoidable causes, which doesn't allow provide some of the services
b) in case of suspension or determination of providing services by article 12. of agreement in general conditions.


3. Range of provided services
i. Provider undertakes/commints to provide services to the customer in the range defined in the contract.


4. Povinnosti Poskytovatele
i. Poskytovat Služby v souladu se Smlouvou.
ii. Oznamovat Zákazníkovi s předstihem omezení nebo přerušení poskytování Služby, je-li to možné.
iii. Zachovávat mlčenlivost o veškerých skutečnostech týkajících se Zákazníka, smluvního vztahu založeného Smlouvou či poskytování Služeb. Zajistit ochranu osobních údajů Zákazníka dle zákona č. 101/2000 Sb.
iv. Předat Zákazníkovi ve vzájemně dohodnutém čase a formě dokumenty nutné k tomu, aby jako sídlo společnosti zákazníka mohla být do obchodního rejstříku zapsána adresa: 4. Duties of the Provider
v. označit bez zbytečného odkladu po uzavření smlouvy na adrese Pobřežní 370/4, Praha 8, CZ 18000 sídlo Zákazníka uvedením obchodní firmy a identifikačního čísla Zákazníka.
vi. When providing a service, the provider agrees to pick up postal, and other consignments for the customer at the following address:Pobřežní 370/4, Praha 8 and handle them as stated in the contract.
vii. The provider is not obliged to accept consignments, whose takeover involve a payment of a sum of money, or providing any other fulfillment, unless he agrees with the customer otherwise. The provider will not accept any items heavier than 5 kg, larger than 45 cm in any dimension, with a volume greater than 0,03 of a cubic meter, or consignments with a dangerous content, live animals, or perishable goods; he is entitled to, by his own decision, return any unclaimed consignments, or refuse to accept any number of consignments that he finds disproportionate, or refuse to accept consignments that the supplier considers to be illegal. The provider reserves the right to require proof of identity when handing over incoming mail to the customer.
viii. Telephone - In providing this service a provider undertakes to:
a) to assign the customer a phone number for ordering services under the contract;
b) to receive through the operator / provider assistance calls which are routed to this number as indicated in the contract.

5. Customer Responsibilities
i. to provide the provider all information, documents and other resources which are necessary for providing services and instance these indications with relevant documentation.
ii. properly and timely pay rates and other charges according to the contract.
iii. immediately inform the provider about all facts relating to the provision of services.
iv. announcing changes of the indications, contained in the contract which are necessary for the providing services, to the provider


6. Prices
i. The current prices are mentioned on the website www.....cz.
ii. The Provider is entitled to require from the Customer a payment of deposit in the amount of the presumptive price of the Services provided to the Customer in the relevant period.


7. Suspension, termination and renewal of provision of the Services
i. The Provider is entitled to suspend provision of the Services in the following cases:
a) The Customer is behind with his payments;
b) The Customer breaches his obligations according to the Contract
ii. The Provider has the right to end offering his Services and terminate the Contract in case of substantial breakage of the Contract. By substantial breakage of Contract is meant:
a) delay in payments longer than 30 days on the side of the Customer
b) repeated breakage of agreed conditions including repeated delays in payment
c) usage of offered Service in contradiction to Contract or existing legal enactments The Provider is responsible for possible incurred damage to the Customer by provable unjustifiable cut-off in services to the overall limit of 500,- Kč.
iv. If the Customer uses the residence or address of residence after termination of the Contract or uses it in periods that were not paid for or uses the residence unjustifiably, the Customer is obliged to pay the fee for the usage of the residence according to the existing service.


8. Change of Contract
i. Change or cancellation of Contract can be done only in written form, excludes are introduced further.



9. Duration and abolition of Contract
i. Contract is closed for indefinate period, unless it is not written diferently in the Contract.
ii. Any of the Contracting parties is justified to abolish this Contract by written notice to the other Contracting party. Contracting parties are entagled not to abolish the Contract for at least one year since the legitimacy and effect of the Contract will be fulfilled ( the protection period). After one year since the legitimacy and effect of the Contract are valid, can Contracting parties abolish the Contract without indication of reason. The notice period is three months. The notice period starts the first day of next calendar month, that follow the month when the abolition have been received by the other side. The refunded taxes payment for this period are not repaid even in case, that the mansion hasn´t been used.
iii. In the case of delay in payment in cash, the Customer is obliged to reimburse the Provider with the default interest of 0.1 % on the amount due for every day of the delay.
iv. The agreement of the Provider residing at the following Customer's residential address - Pobřežní 370/4, Praha 8, CZ 18000 - expires on the day of termination or expiry of the contractual relationship established by the Contract.
v. After the termination or expiry of the Contract, the Customer is obliged to revise his residential address so that the following address - Pobřežní 370/4, Praha 8, CZ 18000 - would no longer be mentioned as his residential address in the Business and/or Trade Register. The Customer is obliged to meet this requirement within 30 days from the termination or expiry of the contractual relationship established by the Contract.
VI. The personal entity who signed the Contract as its collateral party is responsible for the Services and the payment thereof. This collateral party of the contract is obliged as its warrantor to pay the contract fine for failure to deregister the seat (of firm). The collateral party declares the responsibility towards the Provider as creditor to fulfill the sum due if it is not fulfilled within the payment period by the Customer as debtor.


10. Protection of data
i. All data collected from the Customer by the Provider in connection with the signature of the Contract or providing Services will be processed in the Provider´s database and treated in accordance with legal regulations relating to protection of customer personal data. Customer data will be used by the Provider in order to perform the Contract. The customer gives consent to using all his data (including the data collected in connection with providing Services and data concerning the Device used by the Customer) in order to perform the Contract. The customer has the right to his data not to be provided to the third person by the provider excepting the processors used for printing and distribution of the documents to the customers to ensure the encashment of the customer´s outstanding payments and to do other administrative work and excepting the subjects that the provider has to give the data of the customer to by order of law. The data of the customer will be given to the processors just for the above mentioned purposes and in necessary range only.


11. The signature of costumer
i. By this signature customer confirms, that before he entered into this contract he read above-mentioned General Terms, agree with them, considers them as integral part of the contract and undertakes to follow all duties determined by these General Terms.


Pobřežní ulice
186 00 Praha 8-Karlin

  000 000 000


Pobřežní ulice
186 00 Praha 8-Karlin